Safe transportation of medications
We offer you various tools to optimize the external straightening process
Efficient preparation and secure transport for externally-prepared medications
With increasing life expectancy, there are also greater numbers of patients needing treatment, placing ever greater demands on healthcare workers in care-homes and residences for the elderly. Preparation of medications for care facilities is very time-intensive, and requires concentration, an undisrupted place to work, as well as expertise regarding the interactions due to the individual medications. When medications are externally prepared, healthcare workers’ resources are freed up, offering additional flexibility.
We have developed two solutions offering an ideal support to the external preparation process, providing added levels of patient safety.
Advantages for pharmacies:
- Incremental adaptations of infrastructure to growing demands
- Independent from large healthcare providers both financially and in terms of organisation
- WIEGAND® CollectBox and TransportBox designs do not require GMP approval
- Simple approach to attracting new customers, and solidifying customer loyalty
- Simple to introduce external preparation by maintaining the medication dispensing systems already in place at your care facility
- No significant investments required
Advantages for the care facility
- Increased levels of medication safety in long-term care
- Comprehensive approach, from transport to storage, right up to dispensing of medications to residents
- Significant time-savings for care staff
- Optimisation of working processes
- Competent contact person in case of questions about medications
- Continue to use existing Wigand dispensing systems
- Externalise dispensing of medications without making large investments as existing medication dispensing systems can still be use
WIEGAND® CollectBox
WIEGAND® CollectBox is the transport solution compatible for use with the large Wiegand® MediDispensers 271/279 and 281/289. The WIEGAND® CollectBox design can be easily integrated into existing work processes. It is anticipated that a weekly cycle is used for management. The trays hold 8 MediDispensers. 7 empty MediDispenser are collected in the CollectBox for external preparation, whilst the 8th MediDispenser stays in the department on the weekly dispensing tray. This allows operations to continue as normal, giving the pharmacy a one-day time period to prepare the medications again for the coming week.
WIEGAND® TransportBox
The lightweight WIEGAND® TransportBox makes it possible to securely transport medications that have been prepared in WIEGAND® week-based systems. The Wiegand® week-based system using trays 491 and 991 can be transported securely and practically in our perfectly adapted WIEGAND® TransportBoxes. Both Boxes can be secured using seals or padlocks to prevent any unauthorised tampering with medications.
More weekly systems
The WIEGAND® WeekBoxes and the WiBox pro are ideal for preparing medication for a week in advance. They are easy to use and designed for use in outpatient care.
Storage of reserve and additional medication
If medication is administered externally, reserve and additional medication does not simply disappear – drops, ointments and reserve medication must still be stored clearly and safely. Depending on the volume, a medication or storage trolley may be sufficient, but if you also want to store consumables efficiently, the use of a storage cabinet is recommended.